Post by verwarbhilretssa on Mar 4, 2022 22:15:57 GMT -5
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Make More! – Idle Manager Симулације lcyr
zabavno je igrati, vendar ni tisto, kar sem pričakoval
Všeč mi je ta igra, vendar potrebuje nekaj več. sem na višji ravni in zdi se, kot da sem še vedno na prvi ravni. Uživam v reševanju ugank, le del mehurčkov potrebuje malo več domišljije.
Sem že na stopnji 50 več, kot sem dosegel, zdaj je ta igra izbrisana. Vendar sem vnesel to igro, začetek 1. stopnja ne, nadaljeval sem več kot raven 50.
to je zabavno zabava zabava nič drugega kot zabava to je super sprostitev po službi, o moj bog, ta igra z mehurčki bo to vedno storila. Povedal vam bom, ljudje, da je zabavno
Ta igra je tako neumna in preveč oglasov
zabavno igrati, vendar oglasi za vse in po vsaki stopnji.
igram, to je vse dobro, vendar obstajata dve težavi, ena je, ko vklopim internet, je preveč oglasov pred začetkom nivoja in po prehodu nivoja, druga težava pa je občutljivost mehurčkov zelo visoka. zato vas prosim, da rešite te težave in nato posodobite to igro.bil sem, igra je videti v redu, igra je dovolj smešna. Sprejmite dejstvo, da igrate eno raven in potem ste tečaj, da igrate dve, včasih naravnost reklame, nato pa igrate še eno raven in nato sedite na bolj komercialno mislim, da je to narobe in sem prisiljen v to, čeprav razumem, da moraš delati reklame, zakaj toliko tako pogosto, zato sem se odločil, da izbrišem igro
Birdpapa - Bubble Crush Kasual nyc
Ni mogoče najti prejšnje stopnje za ponovitev.
jaz ljubim to igro. Prenesel sem številne druge igre, podobne tej, vendar je ta najboljša, kar sem jih igral. sem že v 700-ih. tako super delo. 💯
Ne maram oglasov in še naprej igraj z oglasom Distarb
zabavno, preprosto zabavno. brez razmišljanja, brez stresa! všeč mi je!
Veliko korakov pred igranjem sovražim to
preveč oglasov.. ni inteligentne taktike
ta igra mi je zelo všeč, sprošča in hladi moj um, igram jo vsak dan. ta igra in razvijalci si zaslužijo več kot 1000 zvezdic 🤩 prikazuje oglase, vendar vem, da ni problema, ko igralcem prikazujete oglase, vaše podjetje zasluži denar. imam zahtevo, prosim, ne dodajajte valute v igri. Ta igra je brezplačna igra in ne bi smeli dodati zavihka za porabo denarja. prikazujete oglase, vendar naj bo brezplačna igra. ne maram - plačaj za zmago.rad igram za zmago. upam, da boste prebrali in odgovorili.
kaj se je zgodilo z različnimi vrstami iger. včasih se je vrtelo skozi 3 različne igre. toda po stopnji 400 ima samo enega. zakaj se ne more znova vrniti na več iger. zdaj sem čez 800 in se ne spremeni. 🤨
Birdpapa - Bubble Crush Hygge cgyd
obožujem igro. v kasnejši fazi igre ni bilo mogoče dokončati. prosim preveri. Hvala vam.
gd igra... veliko dodatkov... Plačal bi, da bi ustavil dodatke, vendar tudi ni možnosti
preveč oglasov je dolgočasno. seveda je igra zelo dobra
Nekaj časa je bila prijetna igra, vendar se zdi, da se je razvijalcu naveličal. Kasnejše stopnje so nenadoma izgubile vse zanimive podrobnosti in postale prelahke.
Nenadoma se je po stopnji 400 spremenilo in niti ni bilo izziv. Dano 30 žogic in zmagal z dvema. Zapolnjeno nekaj praznega časa, a končano. Hvala, mislim.
Všeč mi je igra. Utrujen od oglasov.
preveč oglasov po vsaki potezi anoing!obožujem igro, a potem, ko uporabite prvo pomoč, drugič, morate uporabiti internet, ali je ne morete omogočiti brezplačno?
preveč oglasov, vsaj večina jih je le 5 sekund
igra je zelo dobra za uživanje in zabavo v tej igri, vendar majhna aplikacija za eretiranje dodaja, da je to samo razočaranje.
„Birdpapa“ - „Bubble Crush“ Įprastos temos einc
preveč dodatkov.
Preveč oglasov
Birdpapa-버블 크러시 캐주얼 게임 xaht
Napačna aplikacija. Izklopil sem zvoke, vendar se vedno znova vračajo, ko odprete drugo aplikacijo. Uganke ni mogoče dokončati brez ponovnega zagona aplikacije. Frustrirajoče.
Igra se začne ok, ko pa prideš do približno 320 stopnje, postane smešno težka, zaradi česar ni tako zanimiva in dolgočasna, da bom odstranil ta kos smeti. Nisem igralec iger ali kaj podobnega, kar samo igram da ostanem aktiven, zdaj pa je prišlo do točke, da ni več zanimivo igrati te smete igre, čas je, da odstranite in iščete nekaj veliko boljšega, če mi ne verjamete, poskusite sami in boste ugotovili, kako slabo je
Dobra igra, vendar veliko oglasov
lepo. Enostaven za padec
obožujem to igro! lahko dejansko osvoji tri zvezdice dovolj pogosto, da ne bi bil dovolj razočaran, da ga ne bi odstranil! hvala
Številni oglasi ne pomenijo igranja iger, le z vsakim klikom si oglejte oglase
Birdpapa - Bubble Crush Casual txcd
Neuporabno ne more izbrati vaše ravni. Omogoča vam, da greste skozi tone neuporabnih trivialnih ravni!
uživam v tej igri bolj kot v kateri koli drugi podobni igri, ki sem jo videl v ponudbi. upam, da bo ostalo tako zabavno, kot je danes wayne werff hebron kentucky.. zdaj imam igro naloženo na tablici in jo že imam na telefonu. tako, ko smo zunaj in sedimo naokoli, lahko klepetam s svojo ženo in igram igro, če pride na telefon, da se pogovarja ali igra eno od svojih iger s kartami, še vedno resnično uživa v teh igrah, zato upam, da bo tako tudi ostalo, da uživam v igranju že dolgo ... bom="" lo="" p="" 8="" not="" what="" was="" oglaševano.="" its="" ok="" for="" now="" not="" what="" i="" downloaded="" tech="" bug="" is="" that="" you="" game="" is= "" super="" just="" don't="" like="" it.="" one="" word="" advert's="" more="" advertisements.="" not="" dobro="" super="" oh="" no="" problem="" 👍="" 🥰🥰="" its="" fun="" blah="" super="" to="" enostavno ="" lepo="" fak="" xxx="" picher="" not="" slabo="" dobro="" super="" cool="" dobro="" app="" sad=" "Igra =" "Thnkyou =" "Hvala =" "You =" "ઠઘભચનમયતદડણતબમશંદટઙજઞૃઃઌછનબઃઃએડન =" "Meh =" "FGG =" "OK =" "DELETE =" "OK =" "Dobro =" "Igra =" " ="" fun="" for="" about="" 80?levels.="" then="" gets="" ignorant="" and="" nemogoče.="" show="" you=" " that="" the="" shot="" is="" capable="" then="" naredi="" the="" shot="" fall="" short,to="" the="" left="" right="" etc.="" you="" win="" all=" " these="" chests="" up="" do="" that="" point="" but="" there="" is="" no="" real="" nagrada="" za ="" them="" that="" i="" could="" see="" or="" was="" offer.="" i'm="" deleting="" and="" dal="" them="" no="" $$$,="" to="" be="" pošteno="" up="" do="" that="" point="" was=" " nikoli="" vprašal.="" it="" just="" kinda="" se je zdelo="" nesmiselno.="" fun="" idea="" čeprav="" vključno="" the=" " puzzle="" game="" with="" the="" bubble="" popping.="" loved="" the="" puzzles="" i="" am="" play="" this="" all="" things="" is="" good="" but="" there="" is="" two="" problem,="" one="" is="" ko ="" i="" turn="" on="" my="" internet="" there="" is="" too="" much="" of="" ads="" before=" " starting="" the="" level="" and="" after="" passes="" the="" level="" and="" other="" problem="" is="" občutljivost ="" of="" bubbel="" line="" zelo="" visoko.="" tako,="" i="" am="" requesting="" you="" to="" rešiti ="" the se="" problem,="" then="" give="" update="" of="" this="" game.="" i="" was="" a="" game="" zdi se = "" to="" be="" v redu="" to je = "" a="" smešno="" dovolj="" game="" accept="" the="" fact="" that= "" you="" play="" one="" level="" and="" then="" you="" you="" are="" a="" course="" to="" sit="" skozi="" two="" včasih="" naravnost="" komerciala="" in="" nato="" you="" play="" one="" more="" level= "" and="" then="" you="" sit="" your="" more="" commercial="" i="" think="" that's="" narobe="" and="" prisiljeno="" to="" do="" that="" čeprav="" i="" razumem="" you="" have="" to="" do="" reklame="" so= "" zakaj="" tako="" mnogo="" tako="" pogosto="" to="" je="" zakaj="" i've="" Odločil se="" to="" delete= "" the="" game="" 6/20/21="" zasvojenost="" 7/11/21/="" i="" am="" get="" ready="" to=" " uninstall="" this="" app.="" it="" cheats.="" i="" am="" up="" to="" level="" 226="" &=" " i'm="" finding="" that="" it="" does="" not="" land="" the="" shot="" where="" i="" aimed=" " it="" &="" je bilo="" desno="" vklopljeno ="" mark="" but="" it="" still="" gre="" off="" somewhere="" else="" or="" lands="" before="" it=" " bi moral="" imeti.="" it="" tudi="" changes="" bubble="" color="" mid-shot="" &="" i="" had="" not= "" dvignjen="" my="" finger="" nor="" premaknjen="" it="" even="" the="" najmanjši="" yet="" it="" will="" change="" color="" before="" it="" is="" to="" hit="" its="" mark.="" i="" don't="" mind=" " losing="" fairly="" but="" i="" don't="" like="" being="" cheated.="" if="" this="" is="" a= "" glitch="" please="" fix="" jigsaw="" mode="" is="" good.="" bubble="" mode="" is="" far="" from=" " best,="" but="" playable.="" nikoli="" managed="" to="" disable="" all="" audio.="" the="" game="" is= "" design="" to="" be="" addictive="" and="" želi="" to="" sell="" you="" ads,="" which="" is=" " ok,="" but="" in="" this="" case="" too="" many="" in="" too="" pogosto.="" there="" are=" "boljše="" games="" in="" this="" žanr.="" this="" bi="" be="" super="" game="" but="" every="" time="" ,round="" come="" on="" then= "" u="" add="" a="" ad="" nato="" push="" start="" again="" in="" other="" ad="" come="" on="" ,tukaj="" it="" come="" back="" on="" again="" other="" f="" ad="" ,oh="" yeah="" potem="" whan="" do="" play="" your="" doing="" puzzle="" ,come="" on="" guys="" ,i="" bi="" love="" u="" guys="" could="" make="" a="" game="" that="" is="" fun="" to="" play="" i= "" res="" všeček="" this="" game="" do="" you="" get="" to="" this="" jigsaw="" puzzle="" with="" a="" ženska="" with="" a="" pivo="" in="" liker="" neon="" sign.="" up="" do="" nato="" ="" slike="" were="" nedolžen="" disney="" like.="" kids="" bi moral="" biti="" zaščiten="" proti="" to.="" razočaran ="" game="" is="" not="" in="" 3d="" as="" showed="" in="" your="" video="" ad.="" there= "" are="" tons="" of="" game="" in="" isti="" format.="" make="" it="" in="" 3d="" like=" " fliper="" table="" as="" prikazano="" in="" tvoj="" video,="" nato="" samo="" it="" will="" look="" edinstven.="" in="" too="" much="" ads="" which="" is="" making="" this="" unplayable="" for="" long="" time.="" game="" is="" super,="" but="" too="" many="" ads="" and="" stages="" to="" go="" through="" before="" you="" can="" start="" every= "" raven.="" zakaj="" does="" vse="" have="" to="" be="" uničeno="" by="" repititeous="" ads?="" judging= "" by="" other="" ocene="" nič="" is="" going="" to="" change="" or="" it="" bi="" have="" by="" now.="" what="" happen="" to="" the="" different="" types="" of="" games.="" it="" used="" to="" rotate="" through="" 3="" different="" games.="" but="" after="" level="" 400,="" it="" only="" has="" one.="" zakaj="" can't="" it="" go="" back="" to="" multiple="" games="" again.="" i' m="" now="" past="" 800="" in="" it="" se ne="" spremeni.="" 🤨="" i="" like="" the=" " game="" but="" i="" only="" give="" you="" 3stars="" ker="" you="" are="" imeti="" an="" oglas ="" po="" kdajkoli y="" dang="" game,="" i="" know="" you="" have="" to="" do="" ads="" but="" you="" don 't="" need="" to="" do="" that="" many,="" that's="" going="" to="" stop="" people="" from="" želim = "" the="" game="" have="" just="" uninstalled="" this="" game.="" i="" všeček="" it="" but="" it ="" ohranja="" zamrzne,="" nato="" nenadoma="" the="" balls="" fly="" off="" v="" the="" napačno="" smer. ="" the="" aim="" not="" vedno="" zelo="" natančno="" bodisi.="" the="" game="" je="" zabavno.="" vendar ="" the="" adult="" oriented="" ads="" are="" too="" much.="" this="" game="" ne more="" razlikovati="" ali= "" i="" am="" a="" child="" or="" an="" odrasli.="" prosim="" razmisli="" less="" racy="" oglasi.= "" it's="" an="" v redu="" game="" for="" me="" it's="" just="" something="" to="" do,="" but=" " to je="" cool,="" včasih="" you="" fanta="" don't="" give="" us="" a="" chance="" to="" figure= "" out="" ali="" ali="" not="" we="" even="" like="" the="" game="" before="" you="" want="" a="" ocena="" from="" us="" .😒="" game="" is="" fun="" and="" i="" realize="" you="" need="" advertising="" vendar ="" there="" are="" more="" ads="" than="" game="" play="" and="" all="" are="" double="" klik.= "" ☹️="" the="" game="" yourself="" is="" beautiful="" fun.="" there="" are="" a="" lot="" of=" " ads="" čeprav.="" pred="" in="" po="" vsak="" level="" in="" even="" med="" leveli="" at="" times.="" if="" you="" don't="" mind="" the="" ads="" then="" to je="" dobro.="" the="" only= "" pritožba="" i="" have="" is="" there="" is="" way="" too="" many="" ads.="" when="" you=" " get="" the="" booster="" down="" in="" the="" right="" hand="" corner="" you="" have="" to="" watch ="" an="" ad="" to="" use="" it.="" if="" its="" there="" you="" bi morali="" biti="" sposoben= "" to="" use="" it="" brez="" the="" ad.="" absurd="" amount="" of="" ads="" every="" three=" " or="" štiri="" dotiki,="" not="" ravni.="" same="" three="" oglasi,="" a="" dozen="" times="" in= "" a="" single="" level.="" multiple="" ads="" in= "" the="" middle="" of="" aiming,="" targeting="" and="" shooting.="" it's="" besni="" and="" smešno="" celo= "" for="" a="" free="" version.="" after="" level="" 460="" this="" game="" gets="" neverjetno="" enostavno,= "" dolgočasno="" celo,="" zdaj="" on="" level="" 858="" in="" i="" dosledno="" have="" 20 ="" mehurčkov= "" left="" over,="" thinking="" about="" bailing="" on="" this="" game="" unless="" it="" gets="" more=" " izziv="" like="" many="" games="" like="" this="" it="" need="" color="" options="" or="" symbols="" like =""cycle="" star="" etc.="" drugače="" a="" good="" game.="" i="" like="" the="" game="" nekoliko ,="" but="" there="" are="" some="" pretenciozno="" self-same="" pop-ups="" that="" tend="" to="" come= "" at="" times="" not="" želel="" nor="" skrbelo="" to="" sprejeto="" as="" they="" tend="" to="" intervene="" at="" some="" of="" the="" not-so-="" well="" to="" be="" times.="" i="" predlagaj="" that="" you="" bodisi="" popraviti="" it="" ali="" nix="" it="" .="" zakaj=" " did="" you="" change="" the="" birds="" in="" a="" bubble="" with="" feathers="" 😭😭💔...="" i="" play="" till="" 666="" but="" there="" is="" no="" birds="" trapped="" in="" a="" bubble= "" they="" were="" sooo="" cute="" ..="" prosim="" return="" them="" i'm="" rating="" it="" 3 ="" stars="" ker="" of="" that="" app="" is="" ok="" but="" after="" you="" play="" for=" " awhile="" it="" daje = "" barve="" that="" ne more="" be="" used="" this="" causing="" a="" manjši="" mehurček ="" count.="" making="" sure="" that="" you="" do="" not="" get="" puzzle="" kosov.="" sound="" ohranja ="" turning="" back="" on="" after="" every="" level.="" even="" čeprav="" so="" in="" the="" off="" position.="" need="" to="" turn="" off="" in="" on="" ponovno.="" 2="" stars="" less="" for="" crazy="" amount="" of="" ads.="" drugače="" a="" fun="" game="" for="" pass="" time.="" i="" like="" the="" game.="" dobro="" time="" waster.="" but="" there="" are="" way="" too="" many="" ads.="" a="" zelo="" dobro="" in="" razburljivo="" game="" but="" the="" ads="" are="" nadležno.="" everytime="" when="" i="" want="" za ="" use="" a="" boost="" it="" will="" go="" to="" an="" ad="" or="" when="" one=" " level="" is="" finished="" it="" will="" play="" an="" ad..="" is="" it="" možno="" to=" " keep="" the="" advertisement="" after="" 5="" levels="" and="" take="" it="" out="" from="" the="" ojačevalec ..="" res="" drains="" the="" momentum="" of="" the="" game.="" this="" game="" is="" res="" neverjetno="" but="" too="" much="" advertisement="" interrupt="" all="" time="" i="" don't="" feel="" that="" i="" am="" playing="" game.="" its="" like="" ads="" factory.="" tooooo="" much="" oglasi.....=" " i="" am="" fet="" up="" of="" this.="" going="" to="" uninstall.="" u="" r="" so=" " pohlep="" the="" game="" is="" enjoyable="" the="" problem="" is="" there="" are="" a="" lot="" of ="" oglasi.="" they="" are="" moti g.="" prosim="" minimize="" them.="" grafics="" lepo="" but="" way="" to="" many="" ads="" after="" every="" play.="" watch="" more="" ads="" than="" play.="" uninstalling.="" i="" enjoy="" it,="" but= "" there's="" to="" much="" advertising,="" &="" unable="" to="" utišati="" sounds="" popolnoma.="" this="" is= "" the="" best="" game.="" but="" l="" m="" not="" zadovoljen="" with="" ads...="" i="" like="" this="" game="" but="" it="" need="" something="" more="" to="" it.="" i'm="" at=" " a="" višje="" level="" in="" it="" zdi se = "like="" i'm="" still="" on="" level="" ena.= "" i="" do="" uživajte="" reševanje="" the="" uganke="" it's="" just="" the="" bubble="" part="" that="" need="" alittle="" more="" imagination.="" cute="" game="" for="" all="" ages.="" zelo="" enostavno="" at="" začetek,="" but="" težavnost="" narašča="" pri="" a="" dobro="" stopnja.="" i="" am="" zdaj="" on="" level="" 98.="" it="" ne bo="" dal="" puzzle="" kosov.="" when="" fixed,="" will="" give="" več ="" zvezdice.="" lik ed="" the="" bubble="" game.="" do="" not="" like="" putting="" together="" puzzles="" and="" all="" the ="" ads.="" ads,="" ads,="" ads,="" ads.="" way="" too="" many="" ads.="" the="" igra ="" is="" fun.="" i="" všeč =" the="" game="" but="" i="" don't="" like="" the="" reklame="" in="" the="" Middle="" of="" game="" r="" Middle="" of="" puzzle="" i'm="" Trying="" this="" game="" for="" the="" second="" time="" to="" see="" if="" it's="" going="" to="" show= "" the="" different="" games="" that="" you="" showed="" to="" play="" great="" game.="" just="" way=" " too="" many="" ads...="" right="" in="" the="" middle="" of="" a="" shot,="" an="" oglas ="" pops="" up...="" about="" 10="" ads="" on="" 1="""" can="" play="" offline,="" but="" can't="" get="" the="" power="" balls="" offline="" to je="" dobro="" pretekli="" čas.= "" i="" get="" irritating="" when="" ads="" are="" coming.="" i="" do="" love="" the="" game,= "" but="" now="" that="" we="" get="" a="" puzzle,="" but="" ste e="" taken="" away="" the="" vacuum.="" the="" game="" gets="" dolgočasen.="" i="" dont="" know,=" " it's="" just="" not="" my="" favorite="" game="" anymore.="" lepo="" game="" loved="" very="" much="" but="" too="" much="" ad="" the="" sound="" is="" neprijetno="" and="" need="" to="" be="" turn= "" off="" every="" time="" i="" play.="" then="" the="" reklame="" that="" are="" constant="" blast=" " the="" sound.="" i="" love="" the="" game="" but="" am="" uninstaller="" due="" to="" the="" sound="" and="" konstanta="" reklame.="" love="" this="" game.="" but="" there="" is="" way="" too="" many="" adverts="" after="" every="" game.="" zelo="" zasvoji.="" if="" you="" got="" shut="" of="" the="" ad's="" without="" us="" have="" to="" pay.="" it="" bi="" be="" briljantno.="" when="" it=""coming="" to="" the="" puzzle="" it's="" hard="" to="" complete="" ker="" the=" " bar="" that="" holds="" the=""pieces="" is="" to="" high="" and="" wide="" and="" hard="" to ="" get="" if="" they="" fall="" back.="" so="" i="" nameščen="" this="" game="" ker="" of= "" your="" ads="" in="" other="" games.="" so="" when="" does="" it="" get="" težko?="" 10.000= "" raven?="" i="" love="" this="" game="" but="" some="" of="" the="" jigsaw="" puzzles="" ne bo ="" let="" you="" do="" them="" it="" keeps="" say="" i="" need="" the="" internet="" even=" " tho="" my="" internet="" is="" nikoli="" off="" fix="" this="" in="" i="" will="" give="" ti ="" 5="" stars.="" leveli="" 2502="" in="" 2503="" uganke="" navada="" load="" rekoč="" i="" need= "" network="" i="" have="" network="" how="" do="" you="" think="" i="" got="" this="" daleč ... .="" frustrated="" am="" uninstalling="" this="" game.="" i="" res="" všeček="" it.="" too="" many="" ads="" čeprav..="" luštno="" igra,="" love="" the="" fact="" you="" can="" earn="" puzzle="" kosov,="" to="" do="" uganke.=" " but="" žalostno,="" it's="" nadležno="" ima="" an="" ad="" vsaka="" move="" ali="" drugačna="" faza ... vleče="" it="" out="" grozno.="" puzzle="" piece="" zaljubljen,="" poskusil="" ponovno="" in="" 2="" kosov="" were="" stuck="" on="" the="" tray!="" could="" not="" finish="" puzzle.="" now="" it="" has="" končano="" it="" spet!="" tudi,="" zakaj="" did="" the="" game="" get="" so="" much="" lažje="" than="" it="" was="" before?="" i="" like="" it,="" but="" its="" not="" doing="" what="" i="" chose="" it="" for,="" the="" big="" round="" ball,="" to="" pop="" mehurčki,="" this=" " is="" the="" second="" one="" i="" joined="" that="" showed="" a="" big="" round="" ball="" na ="" pop="" balls="" in="" in="" its="" everything="" but="" what="" it="" or="" so="" pokazali.= "" this="" is="" the="" only="" app="" i="" have="" ever="" used="" where="" i="" must="" go="" in="" every="" time="" i="" open="" it ="" to="" turn="" the="" sound="" off.="" zelo="" nadležno!="" včasih="" ball="" ne="" go=" " where="" you="" have="" it="" pointed="" to="" go.="" will="" have="" it="" aimed="" to="" pojdi="" levo="" in="" it="" gre="" kamor koli="" it="" hoče="" do.="" i="" love="" it="" i ="" enyoj="" playing="" it="" but="" it="" always="" brings="" ads="" so="" of="" us="" are=" " not="" intrestec="" in="" them="" like="" me="" i="" hate="" ads="" you="" are="" play="" ti ="" want="" to="" switch="" the="" bubble="" then="" the="" ads="" pride="" ,do="" nekaj🙄🙄🙄🙄🙏 👍👌="" i="" have="" not="" been=""able="" to="" find="" any="" navodila="" on="" how="" do ="" play="" this="" game.="" how's="" many="" games="" do="" you="" have="" to="" play="" before= "" you="" can="" make="" the="" puzzle.="" razen="" for="" those="" 2="" questions="" it="" is=" " a="" lepo="" dobro="" igra.="" vse="" je bilo="" fino="" nato="" vse="" od="" a="" nenadoma="" i="" am="" on="" a="" different="" picture="" a nd="" i="" need="" all="" 20="" stars="" again="" when="" i="" just="" had="" 18="" in= "" it="" not="" let="" me="" back="" this="" game="" does="" not="" have="" the="" isto= "" game="" on="" it="" that="" you="" show="" when="" i="" Installed="" it.="" if="" you=" " show="" what="" the="" game="" is="" suppose="" to="" be="" then="" that="" is="" the="" igra ="" i="" pričakujem="" do="" play="" .="" the="" ones="" now="" are="" way="" too="" enostavno.= "" the="" gameplay="" yourself="" is="" fun.="" just="" way="" too="" many="" ads,="" včasih="" multiple= "" ads="" med="" every="" level.="" it="" was="" working="" fine="" before.="" i="" updated="" the= "" game="" in="" now="" it="" closes="" on="" the="" play="" button="" screen.="" i="" ponovno nameščen=" " but="" no="" benefit.="" game="" ohranja="" zamrzovanje,="" lose="" a="" life,="" and="" the="" adverts= "" are="" res="" nadležno.="" may="" give="" it="" up="" kmalu.="" the="" play="" part="" of= "" the="" game="" is="" definitivno="" uživajte le.="" vendar="" there="" are="" way="" too="" many="" ads!!="" i="" like="" the="" igra, da ="" many="" ads.!="" i="" come="" to="" play="" the="" game!="" not="" to="" watch="" ads,after="" ads,after="" ads="" more="" game="" ,not="" ads.="" the="" game="" is="" dobro... .="" the="" politic="" ads="" are="" jezno....="" the="" fact="" the="" sound="" will="" not= "" ostane="" off="" je="" resnično="" nadležno.="" it="" was="" so="" dobro="" in="" i="" res=" " užival="" but="" at="" the="" level="" of="" 1069="" i="" ni mogel="" move="" for="" puzzle=" " and="" it="" ne="" open="" still="" stuck="" there="" i="" do="" like="" the="" game=" " posebej="" two="" games="" on="" zmagal.="" but="" there="" is="" no="" option="" to="" get="" rid="" of="" ads.="" i="" think="" you="" should="" get="" a="" puzzle="" piece="" for="" vsak ="" 10="" balls="" left="" not="" just="""" if="" you="" have="" 23="" balls="" left="" you="" get="" 2="" puzzle="" pieces="" in= "" so="" on="" after="" you="" get="" to="" a="" določen="" point.="" you="" stop="" get=" " puzzles="" to="" work.="" that's="" my="" only="" pritožba!!="" super="" game="" but="" far="" far= "" far="" too="" many="" ads.="" they="" can="" spoil="" the="" navdušenje.="" the="" game="" is= "" not="" bad="" but="" all="" the="" levels="" are="" just="" too="" easy="" to="" play="" fun="" little="" game="" but="" putting="" the="" ads="" right="" in="" the="" middle="" of="" a= "" game="" is="" lepo="" nadležno.="" i="" like="" this="" game="" coz="" sproščeno="" ,="" but=" " it="" has="" too="" much="" ads,="" it's="" too="" bad="" and="" razočaran.="" too="" many=" " adverts="" showing,="" every="" level="" pass="" .="" apart="" from="" that="" the="" game="" is="" not="" bad="" way="" to="" many="" ad's="" and="" game="" locks="" up="" and="" you="" have= "" to="" exit="" game="" other="" the n="" that="" game="" starts="" out="" good="" this="" bi="" be="" my="" favorite="" app="" it= "" just="" needs="" a="" back="" option="" to="" replay="" the="" back="" boards="" that="" you="" got="" a="" low="" score="" on.="" the="" game="" is="" fun,="" but="" the=""tranzicija="" med="" leveli="" is="" kaotično.="" i="" was="" uživanje="" this="" game="" and="" all="" of="" a ="" nenaden="" papa="" was="" gone...all="" l="" get="" is="" perje...kaj="" se je zgodilo?="" to je= "" not="" fun="" znymore...l="" updated="" and="" all="" l="" get="" is="" feathers!still="" get= "" perje...when="" it="" gets="" unfun="" it="" gets="" undone.="" to="" many="" reklame="" but=" " game="" is="" fun.="" dobro="" sproščujoče="" game.="" lot="" of="" ads="" and="" mamljivo="" ponudba.= "" more="" of="" a="" honey="" trap="" than="" much....="" it's="" a="" good="" game="" to="" pass="" time="" sproščujoče,="" just="" too="" many="" ads="" it's="" just="" like="" as="" a ="" videl="" in="" the="" oglas ="" .="" to je="" a="" zelo="" dobro="" game="" with="" two="" games="" kombiniraj.="" 😊😊😊😊=" " tooo="" much="" ads..="" there="" is="" no="" intelligent="" tactics="" there="" is="" only="" three=" " color="" of="" other="" wise="" game="" is="" zelo="" dobro="" res="" dobro="" game,="" but="" way="" way="" way="" too="" many="" long="" ads="" i="" res="" like="" the="" game="" but= "" you="" have="" used="" a="" copyright="" music="" that's="" why="" i="" got="" copyright="" claim="" of="" the="" music="" on="" youtube.="" kindly="" use="" copyright="" free="" music="" in="" the="" igra .="" fun="" to="" play="" but="" ads="" for="" everything="" &="" after="" every="" level.="" tudi ="" many="" feathers="" to="" collect="" need="" to="" change="" this="" gets="" a="" bit="" monotono=" " can="" you="" put="" something="" else="" to="" collect="" pls="" i="" like="" the="" game="" ampak ="" there="" is="" too="" much="" ads="" in="" it="" in="" the="" is="" irritating="" i=" " všeč =" to="" g ame="" but="" ads="" is="" big="" problem="" other="" way="" this="" game="" very="" entertainment="" i= "" like="" it="" game="" is="" zelo="" dobro="" uživajte="" in="" entertainment="" this="" game, but="" small= "" eretating="" application="" add,that="" only="" razočaranje.="" fun="" game="" vendar,="" to="" many="" reklame="" game="" is="" fine,="" i="" like="" it="" but="" way="" to="" many="" adds,="" every="" single="" level="" it's="" a="" good="" game="" but="" there="" are="" so="" many="" ads.="" tudi ="" many="" ads.="" it="" make="" me="" not="" want="" to="" play="" več.="" can="" ne ="" long="" get="" to="" the="" section="" where="" you="" can="" work="" the="" uganke.="" fun= "" game="" but="" way="" to="" many="" interruptions="" from="" glup="" ads="" fun="" game.good="" graphics= "" in="" sound="" effects="" too="" many="" adverts.="" nadležno="" too="" many="" ads="" at="" najmanj=" " večina="" of="" them="" are="" only="" 5="" seconds="" the="" more="" the="" zdravo gher="" the="" level,="" the="" long="" the="" oglasi.="" not="" sure="" what="" the="" jigsaw="" puzzle="" about="" and="" no="" incentives="" when="" you="" pass="" določeni="" ravni.="" game="" is="" čudovito ="" but="" too="" much="" ads.="" it's="" a="" lepo="" game="" but="" advert="" is="" just= "" too="" much="" i="" užival="" a="" lot="" but="" ads="" are="" so="" neprimerno="" a="" lot="" of="" advertising="" interferes="" tha="" joy="" of="" game="" i="" don't="" like="" all="" the="" puzzles="" and="" advertising="" in="" between="" every="" game.🥲💔😰💙="" audio="" is="" way="" tudi ="" loud="" tooo="" much="" ads="" dolgočasno="" .="" seveda="" game="" is="" zelo="" dobro="" way=" " too="" many="" ads="" the="" game="" is="" dobro,="" but="" so="" many="" ads.="" too=" " many="" ads="" -="" in="" the="" middle="" of="" a="" krog!?="" odlično="" game="" but="" more="" ads="" dolgočasno="" zelo="" sproščujoče="" in="" i="" like="" the=" " zvok="" preveč="" dobro="" odlično="" odlično="" sample="" zelo="" dobro="" a="" zelo="" dobro="" game="" ampak ="" too="" much="" adds..="" it's="" a="" nice="" game="" but="" too="" many="" ads="" dovolj ="" with="" the="" 30="" second="" ads!="" geez!!="" way="" way="" do="" many="" interruptions="" at="" time="" not="" dovolj="" balls="" to="" finish="" the="" game="" whenyou="" have="" so="" many= "" to="" work="" proti="" way="" too="" many="" advertisements.="" užival="" it="" very="" much="" but=" " not="" something="" like="" this="" bi="" keep="" me="" going="" puzzle="" frozen="" on="" zadnja="" vrstica 😢="" of="" castle="" puzzle.="" its="" not="" tekmovalno,="" its="" monotono,="" notbing="" to="" dosežki=" " ad="" ad="" in="" more="" ad="" uživanje="" the="" game,="" i="" play="" it="" when="" i="" have="" a="" par="" of="" minute="" do="" rezervno.="" lepo="" but="" tisoče= "" of="" advertisment="" to="" dang="" many="" advertisers="" after="" every="" round="" is="" nuts="" wishing="" i="" could="" go="" back="" and="" replay="" a="" level="" to="" get="" a="" better="" score= "" dobro="" game="" but="" zelo="" adult="" ads="" do="" many="" ads="" but="" like="" the="" game="" i="" like="" the="" game="" just="" to="" many="" adverts.="" it's="" fun="" game="" ampak ="" toooo="" much="" ads="" this="" game="" is="" full="" of="" ads.="" i="" don't="" like="" it="" too="" many="" ads="" that="" too="" volgour="" oglasi..="" prosim="" stop="" it="" lepo="" game="" but="" one="" thing="" had="" was="" more="" with="" out="" had="" meence="" i= "" will="" give="" ret="" is="" 5="" zakaj="" i="" cant="" back="" in="" the="" level="" that="" i="" cant="" get="" a="" puzzle="" its="" mean="" its="" not="" good="" games="" i= "" can't="" get="" the="" music="" to="" playing="" way="" too="" many="" adverts="" too="" many= "" oglasi!!!="" sproščujoče="" game="" but="" too="" much=" " adds="" which="" spoils="" it="" too="" much="" adverts="" after="" every="" move="" anoing!="" i="" love="" d="" game="" but="" after="" using="" the="" first="" around="" of="" help="" the="" second= "" time="" you="" have="" to="" use="" internet="" y="" can't="" u="" guys="" make="" it= "" brezplačno?="" i="" just="" start="" playing="" this="" game="" and="" all="" of="" a="" sunden=" " i="" see="" dating="" sites="" on="" this="" game="" and="" have="" ads.="" is="" there="" vseeno="" tp="" remove="" them="" from="" this="" game?="" way="" to="" many="" ads.="" loading="" is="" too="" slow="" i="" like="" it.="" but="" it="" don't="" show="" you="" what=" " level="" you="" are="" on="" is="" there="" a="" way="" to="" get="" to="" the="" raven ="" map.="" i="" want="" to="" replay="" some="" levels.="" lovely="" 😍="" 2="" in="" 1 ="" game..="" i="" just="" loved="" it.="" timepass="" master="" 🙌="" 😎="" i="" think="" it="" bi="" be="" a="" weighing="" game.="" that="" is="" kaj ="" it="" was="" showing="" jigsaw="" puzzle="" will="" not="" open="" zanimivo="" posebej="" puzzle="" its=" " kind="" of="" dolgočasen="" i="" keep="" playing="" in="" upa="" of="" some="" excitement="" but="" ne ="" get="" any="" i="" sovražim="" the="" music="" at="" the="" end="" of="" it="" that's=" " the="" reason="" i'm="" give="" y'all="" a="" 3="" stars="" so="" far="" i="" ran ="" into="" a="" puzzle="" that="" is="" missing="" pieces="" too="" many="" ads.="" i'm="" on="" level="" 1700="" it="" is="" enostavno!="" can't="" get="" past="" a="" level="" jaz sem ="" on="" level="" 680="" nekaj="" in="" all="" the="" level="" go="" from="" izziv="" to=" " way="" too="" enostavno!..give="" us="" a="" izziv!!="" best="" game="" but="" over="" oglas.= "" so="" many="" adds="" v="" can't="" uživati="" d="" game="" lepo="" but="" add="" zelo= "" distrbing="" lepo="" 👍="" game="" but="" to="" much="" add="" neverjetno="" and="" enjoyable="" game="" zabava="" for="" kids="" game.="" to="" many="" ads,="" way="" to="" many="" it's="" good="" and="" zanimivo="" veliko="" of="" oglasov ="" to="" much="" ad...="" this="" is="" a="" good="" stress="" reliever="" for="" me="" got="" to="" level="" 2160="" tells="" me="" i="" need="" network="" to="" do="" the="" puzzle= "" i="" have="" network="" it's="" fun="" and="" exciting="" like="" the="" game="" but="" to="" many="" adds="" too="" many="" adds.="" too="" many="" taps="" before="" play="" toooo="" many="" oglasi ="" to="" many="" ads="" but="" overal="" gd="" game="" visual="" and="" exciting="" like="" the=" " puzzle="" game="" in="" med.="" i="" like="" the="" game="" but="" to="" many="" adds="" just="" start="" playing="" let="" me="" play="" more="" and="" ill="" change="" it="" if="" i= "" res="" like="" it="" pace="" is="" way="" to="" slow="" it's="" easy="" to="" predvajanje.="" same="" levels="" zelo="" dolgčas="" it's="" fun="" to="" play="" but="" not="" what="" i=" "pričakovano="" too="" many="" adverts="" it="" is="" a="" waste="" of="" data="" try="" to="" make ="" it="" better="" ok="" i="" give="" it="" a="" three="" 🌟="" ocena⭐⭐🌈⚡☔🙅👩🦰= "" its="" manageable="" tho="" it="" has="" to="" much="" add="" this="" game="" birdpapa="" is="" full="" of="" fun="" like="" this="" game="" a="" lot="" but="" bi="" prefer="" an="" option= "" for="" no="" ads.="" want="" to="" be=""able="" to="" let="" grandkids="" play="" it=" " but="" do="" not="" want="" them="" subed="" to="" any="" ads="" as="" they="" will="" klik ="" on="" it="" and="" kdo="" know="" where="" th="" we="" tll="" end="" up.="" if= "" there="" was="" a="" razumno="" no="" ads="" option="" (pod="" $5),="" bi="" z veseljem="" plačati ="" it="" in="" nato="" rate="" this="" game="" a="" solid="" 5.="" dobro="" game="" to= "" wile="" away="" the="" time.="" the="" only="" problem="" is="" the="" g ame="" freezes="" on="" a="" black="" screen="" after="" you="" pass="" a="" level.="" its="" v redu ="" if="" it="" only="" zgodi se="" enkrat="" but="" when="" it="" starts="" happening="" after="" every=" " level,="" l="" start="" thinking="" about="" deleting="" the="" game="" v celoti.="" prosim="" fix="" this=" " glitch.="" by="" the="" way,="" i've="" scrolled="" through="" a="" lot="" of="" the="" ocene ="" in="" opazil="" one="" glaring="" problem,="" not="" one="" recenzent="" has="" prejeto="" a="" response= "" from="" the="" game="" creators.="" res?!!="" respond="" to="" your="" players,="" show="" some=" " strokovnost!="" res="" res="" dobro="" game="" popolnoma="" uničeno="" by="" the="" absolutno="" noro="" količina="" of="" ads="" it.="" ads="" pred="" a="" level,="" after="" a="" level,="" even="" med=" " the="" level!!!="" when="" will="" you="" learn="" this="" ruins="" gameplay?!="" and="" no="" option="" to="" pay="" to="" stop="" them.="" tudi="" the="" video="" for="" the="" game="" napačno predstavlja="" the="" game="" popolnoma.="" how="" this="" is="" dovoljeno="" zmede ="" me.="" sram="" cos="" the="" game="" is="" precej="" dobro="" but="" not="" the="" game= "" that's="" advertised="" but="" it's="" popolnoma="" uničeno="" by="" the="" insane="" amount="" of="" uživanje="" killing="" ads.="" fix="" it="" &="" get="" 5="" stars="" i="" res="" cenjen="" this="" igra ="" lepo.="" but="" prosim="" extension="" some="" priložnost,="" as="" if="" google="" play="" store="" podpora .sometime="" this="" game="" will="" be="" get="" uninstall="" condition="" nepričakovano,="" thats="" zakaj="" when="" we="" connections="" this="" game="" with="" google="" account="" this="" might="" be="" save="" game="" existance= "" običajno="" hvala="" you="" pleaese="" think="" about="" my="" trend,,,="" i="" dejansko="" res="" všeč ="" the="" game,="" but="" an="" ad="" after="" every="" level,="" come="" on,="" even="" if="" so="" 10="" sekund.="" i="" razumem="" you="" have="" to="" make="" money="" but="" think="" about="" give="" 1 ="" ad="" after="" 5="" games="" or="" something.="" that="" and="" your="" advertisement="" had="" a= "" 3d="" sfera="" in="" presenečenje,="" to je="" not="" in="" it="" is="" verjetno="" 'a="" beat= "" 20="" levels="" or="" 40="" levels'="" in="" the="" damn="" thing="" will="" be="" so=" " enostavno.="" i="" love="" the="" game="" but="" give="" it="" 3="" stars="" ker="" when="" you="" go="" to="" do="" the="" puzzles="" you="" have="" to="" do="" the="" bottom="" najprej. ="" nato="" when="" you="" move="" it="" down="" včasih="" you="" can't="" put="" the="" drugo ="" puzzles="" pieces="" on.="" i="" tudi="" don't="" like="" when="" you="" can't="" use= "" apiece="" you="" can't="" put="" it="" back,="" it="" goes="" behind="" the="" other="" kosi ="" in="" ne morem="" get="" them="" so="" you="" need="" to="" do="" it="" all="" over ="" spet.="" game="" is="" res="" cool="" grafi cs="" and="" effects="" of="" the="" developer="" is="" izjemen....only="" problem="" is="" advertising="" kar ="" is="" too="" much..i="" play="" so="" many="" games="" but="" haven't="" seen="" while= "" evan="" in="" d="" Middle="" of="" the="" game="" u="" have="" to="" watch="" ad="" to="" use="" extra="" power....for="" that="" reason="" my="" star="" is="" 3="" for="" to ="" game...else="" its="" a="" outstanding="" bubble="" game="" i="" haven't="" been="" playing="" vendar ="" maybe="" an="" hour,="" but="" so="" far="" i="" like="" it.="" i="" downloaded="" it ="" ker="" of="" the="" add="" that="" i="" videl.="" i="" res="" mislil="" njihovi="" so bili= "" going="" to="" be="" 3d="" bubbles="" to="" bust="" with="" a="" cannon.="" morda="" i=" " še nisem="" gotten="" daleč="" dovolj="" into="" it="" še.="" i="" like="" the="" fact="" that= "" the="" adds="" are="" short="" ,="" in="" i="" like="" the="" uganke.="" so="" far=" "tako="" dobro.="" this="" is="" absolutly="" little="" jem="" of="" a="" game,="" res="" well="" tempo,="" sproščujoče ="" and="" fun="" for="" all="" to="" play,the="" added="" uživanje="" of="" a="" sestavljanka="" sestavljanka ="" is="" a="" great="" way="" for="" children="" to="" learn="" and="" reši,="" the="" ads= "" are="" short="" and="" not="" moteče,="" with="" nagrade (lahko bi="" be="" more)="" za="" gledanje.=" " love="" this="" game,="" but="" level="" 5213="" is="" totally="" nepremagljivo.="" tako,="" i="" am= "" asking="" for="" some="" help="" from="" you="" fantje.="" if="" the="" developers="" or="" kdorkoli=" " who="" has="" passed="" this="" level="" have="" any="" clue="" how="" to="" make="" it="" prosimeeeeee ="" svetujem.="" hvala="" ti.="" to je="" enostavno="" in="" zabavno.="" i="" like="" winning="" with="" ease="" at="" the="" moment.="" some="" games="" just="" barely="" let="" you="" win="" razen če="" ti ="" pay="" up.="" i'm="" uživam="" it.="" i="" like="" the="" graphics,="" and="" the= "" dodatek onal="" puzzles="" and="" presenetljivo="" zelo="" malo="" ads="" don't="" mess="" up="" with="" the="" crazy="" downloads.="" it's="" definitivno="" a="" 5="" ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐!!!="" keep="" up="" the="" dobro==" "" delo...="" zabava!!="" there="" are="" ads="" but="" they="" are="" short="" and="" varied.= "" enostavno="" but="" izziv.="" the="" game="" is="" alot="" of="" fun,="" but="" when="" you= "" go="" to="" do="" the="" puzzle="" picture="" it="" ne bo="" come="" in.="" this="" je ="" se je zgodilo="" večkrat="" krat.="" prosim="" fix="" this="" problem="" super="" game="" but="" not="" for= "" tisti="" who="" just="" want="" to="" pop="" some="" bubbles="" to="" razbremeniti="" stres.="" this=" " is="" a="" quest="" and="" missionary="" game="" in="" has="" characters="" so="" it's="" precej="" nadležno ="" if="" you="" just="" want="" to="" pop="" some="" bubbles="" brez="" biti="" ustavljeno.="" i= "" res="" like="" this="" game.="" but="" the="" amount="" of="" ad's="" make="" for="" težko=" "gam e="" uživanje.="" yes="" it's="" another="" bubble="" shooter,="" but="" include="" puzzles="" every="" so="" pogosto="" and="" some="" other="" zanimivo="" concepts="" that="" mixes="" it="" up.="" ads="" are="" ne ="" neverjetno.="" kaj="" se je zgodilo="" do="" the="" jigsaw="" uganke.="" so="" vse="" odprto="" up.="" i="" have="" akumuled="" over="" 500="" stars,="" i="" show="" i'm="" collecting="" puzzle="" pieces=" " but="" the="" puzzles="" are="" all="" done.="" super="" fun="" game.="" the="" ads="" niso ="" too="" bad="" like="" a="" lot="" of="" other="" games...="" great="" for="" killing="" time="" in="" a="" waiting="" room="" or="" when="" you="" want="" to="" ignore="" your="" girlfriend= "" for="" a="" while.="" ennjoyablegame.="" lots="" of="" ads="" but="" it="" is="" ok.="" i ="" uživajte="" the="" jigsaw="" puzzle.="" to="" me="" this="" game="" is="" sproščujoče.="" zakaj="" lahko ="" you="" not="" go="" back="" to="" redo="" a="" game="" that="" you="" not="" dobili =" " three="" stars="" or="" the="" piece="" of="" puzzle.="" is="" there="" not="" a="" home="" button="" showing="" all="" the="" levels.="" i="" do="" like="" the="" game="" very="" much="" vendar ="" samo="" radoveden="" zakaj="" ti="" ne moreš="" go="" to="" home="" to="" see="" all="" od ="" the="" levels.="" i="" truly="" love="" 💘="" ❤="" this="" game.="" i="" don't=" " want="" to="" quit="" playing="" it.="" i="" love="" the="" puzzle="" part="" of="" it="" zlasti="" with="" the="" mobile="" and="" graphics.="" hvala="" you="" for="" this="" čudovito="" game.="" merry="" christmas="" and="" god="" bless="" you="" all.="" i="" love="" this="" game.="" jaz sem = "" up="" to="" level="" 1174.="" i="" wish="" there="" were="" more="" puzzles="" to="" complete=" " after="" completing="" a="" zaporedje.="" i="" have="" uninstalled="" &="" ponovno nameščen="" just="" to="" do="" the="" uganke.="" i="" začelo="" with="" 5="" stars="" nato="" 4="" zdaj.="" zakaj?="" i=" " don't="" mind="" the="" ads...i="" r eally="" loved="" this="" game="" dokler="" i="" prispel="" to="" level="""" is="" skoraj= "" nemogoče="" do="" popolno="" in="" i="" had="" to="" borba="" for="" days.="" there="" are=" " smešno="" enostavno="" ravni="" nato="" tam="" so="" smešno="" težko="" skoraj="" nemogoče="" do="" popolne="" ravni .="" but="" still="" my="" favorite="" game.="" so="" far="" your="" the="" best="" bubble="" strelec ="" game="" i="" play="" alot="" of="" them.="" this="" has="" 2="" point.="" one="" izziv ="" to="" save="" or="" collect.two="" when="" you="" get="" dovolj="" stars.="" you="" get="" to="" do="" a="" puzzle.="" your="" working="" toward="" something.="" so="" far="" i="" love="" it.="" number="" ,1="" as="" far="" as="" i'm="" skrbi.="" keep="" up="" the="" dobro ="" work.="" hvala="" you.="" have="" a="" super="" day.="" debra="" kay="" ethridge.="" still=" " my="" favorite.="" it="" zamrzovalnik.="" i="" have="" to="" start="" over.="" that="" sad="" other="" than="" that="" super="" sauce="" love="" this="" game.="" graphics="" are= "" super.="" the="" puzzles="" after="" each="" level="" are="" prijetno, ampak="" enostavno.="" breezed="" thru="" the="" level="" dokler="" level="" 3432.="" this="" level="" is="" nepremagljiv.="" have="" been="" stuck="" on="" this="" level="" for="" as="" long="" as="" it="" take="" me="" to="" get="" tukaj. ="" possibly="" the="" last="" level?="" don't="" know.="" but="" worth="" playing.="" najbolj="" prijetno= "" game="" i've="" play="" in="" a="" long="" time.="" easy="" and="" sproščujoče.="" i="" uživajte="" play-="" ing="" game="" and="" Trying="" new="" strategies="" with="" every="" game.="" for="" some="" reason="" now="" i="" could not="" get="" the="" reward="" puzzle="" after="" dosezanje="" the="" goal= "" with="" 20-30="" točk.="" i="" try="" touching="" the="" arrow="" and="" get="" a="" dolgo ="" ads="" over="" &="" over="" only="" to="" find="" out="" the="" puzzle="" ne bo="" odprto . ="" i'm="" at="" 3366="" level="" in="" its="" zamrznjeno.="" i="" have="" found="" that="" if="" there's="" a="" malfunction="" with="" other="" game="" apps="" it="" is="" the="" ads="" that= "" mess="" up="" the="" game.="" must="" be="" happening="" with="" this="" game..="" rebooting="" my ="" device="" not="" help!!="" 😔="" it's="" an="" prijetno,="" preprosto,="" in="" pošteno="" zabavno ="" time="" passer.="" the="" levels="" aren't="" too="" hard="" take="" only="" a="" couple="" minute="" do="" končano.="" vaše="" nagrade="" are="" puzzle="" kosov="" that="" enkrat="" you="" complete="" zbiranje ="" dovolj="" kosov,="" you="" get="" to="" do="" a="" simple="" little="" puzzle="" game.="" ="" puzzles="" are="" simple="" live="" motion="" pictures="" that="" are="" estetsko="" prijetno.="" only="" thing= "" i="" don't="" všeč,="" čeprav="" i="" razumem="" the="" need="" for="" them,="" is="" the="" konstanta="" ads="" for="" skoraj="" every="" action="" other="" t han="" the="" faction="" game="" play.="" sicer,="" good="" game.="" i="" love="" this="" game=" " zelo="" zelo="" mnogo="" it="" sprosti="" in="" ohladi="" my="" mind="" i="" play="" it="" vsak ="" day.="" this="" game="" and="" the="" developers="" si zasluži="" more="" than="" 1000="" stars="" 🤩= "" it="" shows="" ads="" but="" no="" problem="" i="" know="" when="" you="" show="" the="" igralci="" ads="" your="" company="" earns="" money.="" i="" have="" request="" prosim="" prosim="" don't=" " add="" in-game="" currency="" this="" game="" is="" a="" free="" game="" in="" you="" ne bi smel ="" add="" a="" money="" poraba="" tab.="" you="" show="" ads="" but="" let="" it="" be= "" a="" brezplačno="" do="" play="" game.="" i="" don't="" like-="" pay="" to="" win="" igre.="" i="" like="" play="" to="" win="" games.="" hope="" you="" will="" read="" and="" reply.="" this="" is="" one="" of="" the="" najbolj="" prijetno="" games="" i've="" play="" in=" " a="" while.="" to je="" preprosto,="" sproščujoče ="" &="" not="" loaded="" with="" long="" ads.="" the="" reason="" i="" rated="" it="" 4= "" zvezdice="" namesto="" of="" 5="" je="" ker="" sprva="" there="" were="" 3="" ali="" 4="" "pomočniki"="" &="" zdaj="" tam je="" samo="" 1="" -="" the="" pandal="" that="" odstrani="" 1="" color="" of="" mehurčki.="" what="" se je zgodilo="" to="" the="" drugi???="" fenomenalno="" graphics,="" a-1=" " game="" control,="" superb="" speed="" completing="" the="" move="" last="" tasked="" to="" the="" game,=" " &="" not="" to="" mention="" the="" speed="" of="" the="" "bonus="" finish="" time/moves="" after= "" the="" initial="" finishing="" move"="" that="" are="" entertaining="" as="" well="" as="" nagrajevanje!="" hvala= "" you="" for="" this="" priložnost="" to="" bolje="" my="" game="" life="" (39="" yrs="" igranje)42 ="" yrs="" old="" great="" game.="" fun="" to="" play.="" i="" have="" had="" no="" težave ="" with="" it="" še.="" i="" love="" that="" we="" have="" the="" bubble="" pop="" in= "" get="" to="" do="" puzzles="" too.="" visoko="" priporočam="" this="" game.="" so="" far="" i="" am="" res="" uživam="" this="" bubble="" shooter.="" it's="" very="" cute="" and="" has="" nice="" 3d="" grafika .="" game="" play="" is="" gladko="" in="" lepo="" enostavno="" to="" figure="" out.="" zelo="" lepo ="" sproščujoče="" fun="" even="" love="" the="" puzzles="" you="" have="" to="" put="" together="" that=" " come="" to="" life="" fun="" game.="" not="" too="" many="" ads.="" i="" uživajte="" this=" " game="" -="" it's="" zelo="" enostavno="" to="" play="" but="" like="" another="" reviewer="" said="" i ="" could="" do="" the="" puzzles="" all="" day="" long.="" res="" like="" this="" igra👍👍👍=" " love="" this="" game.="" ads="" are="" no="" more="" than="" 5="" seconds="" which="" beats="" the="" heck="" out="" of="" 30="" seconds="" or="" more="" so="" if="" you="" hate="" ads= "" nato="" this="" is="" the="" one="" for="" vas.="" i="" love="" playing="" your="" bubble="" game="" it's="" res="" fun="" and="" i="" love=" " the="" characters="" they're="" adorable="" lepo="" job="" a="" bit="" of="" a="" different="" take=" " on="" bubble="" games.="" lots="" of="" fun.="" super="" graphics.="" zasvojenost="" in="" a="" dobro= "" way!="" i="" think="" i="" finaly="" found="" a,bubble="" pop="" version="" im="" not="" takoj ="" tired="" of.="" the="" little="" game="" rewards="" are="" funand="" keep="" it="" from="" get= "" dolgočasen.="" hvala="" you.="" love="" the="" game!="" love="" the="" uganke!="" vendar="" as="" i="" pass="" levels="" the="" puzzles="" get="" a="" littel="" more="" težko-which="" i="" ljubezen!=" " but="" not="" so="" much="" the="" game.="" at="" najmanj="" not="" yet.="" fun="" and=" " sprostitev.="" i="" can="" lose="" yourself="" in="" just="" chill="" out.="" i="" like="" how=" " the="" games="" change.="" ohranja="" u="" from="" get="" dolgčas.="" age="" ni="" pomembno="" za ="" e njoy="" the="" game="" best="" bubble="" pop="" game="" ive="" play="" in="" a="" long="" time. ="" visoko="" priporočam="" this="" game.="" lepo="" game="" two="" in="" one="" like="" puzzle="" it's= "" hard="" at="" first="" poskus="" but="" when="" you="" are="" well="" oriented="" you="" can="" upravljaj="" not="" dolgočasno="" love="" it="" bubble="" is="" just="" navaden="" rutinsko="" i'm="" used="" to="" it="" we'll="" play="" great="" idea="" for="" sure="" just="" for="" fun="" improve="" my="" idea="" of="" playing="" games="" the="" best="" past="" time="" in="" this="" pandemic="" times= "" love="" this="" game="" but="" yes="" sorry="" there="" is="" a="" but="" when="" i="" got="" up="" to="" around="" level="" 456="" it="" start="" to="" get="" res="" enostavno="" &= "" it's="" taken="" all="" the="" fun="" out="" of="" it="" will="" carry="" on="" playing="" but="" verjetno="" not="" as="" much="" i="" like="" this="" game="" very="" much.="" this="" je ="" like="" a="" mehurček ="" shooter="" .="" but="" this="" game="" have="" also="" puzzle="" .="" puzzle="" is="" appear=" " after="" puzzle="" points="" the="" game="" is="" fun.="" graphics="" are="" nice="" touch="" and="" otroci="" will="" learn="" to="" count="" with="" this="" game.="" great="" for="" their="" spomini.="" i="" truly="" find="" this="" game="" relaxing="" and="" fun.="" the="" extra="" uganke,="" enkrat="" dokončano,="" are="" fun="" to="" watch.="" love="" this="" game="" of="" birdpapa="" -="" bubble="" crush="" ker="" not="" only="" do="" you="" crush="" the="" bubbles="" but="" you="" tudi="" get= "" to="" do="" jigsaw="" puzzles="" in="" i="" got="" the="" best="" of="" oba="" svetova.=" " hvala="" ti.="" to je="" zabavno,="" a="" different="" kind="" of="" bubble="" game,="" i="" wish= "" you="" could="" connect="" it="" to="" facebook.="" i="" like="" this="" game="" but="" i=" " think="" you="" should="" get="" one="" puzzle="" piece="" for="" every="" shooter="" bubble="" you="" have="" left="" over.="" best="" game="" in="" all="" bubble="" shooting="" games,="" super="" ideas="" razvijalci,="" take="" inovativno="" games="" with="" such="" super="" graphics="" and="" so="" pomirjujoče="" music="" je ="" onstran="" domišljija,="" prosim="" create="" more="" games="" like="" to,="" klobuki="" off="" do="" ="" developers="" great="" fun!="" a="" edinstven="" game,="" lots="" of="" fun,="" challenges="" and="" cool="" presenečenja.="" warning:="" zasvojenost!!!="" odlično="" game="" !="" lets="" you="" get="" extra="" življenja ="" which="" can="" help="" advance.="" try="" it.😊="" fantastic="" graphics.="" cute="" characters="" and=" " fast="" paced.="" could="" do="" with="" less="" ads="" without="" me="" have="" to="" pay.=" " i="" love="" playing="" for="" puzzle="" pieces="" and="" putting="" the="" puzzles="" skupaj....super!!! !😍😍="" game="" is="" sproščujoče="" in="" prijetno...="" prosim="" take="" care="" of="" the="" umazano ="" ads="" that="" you="" put="" o ut...="" its="" the="" otroci="" too="" who="" play="" and="" need="" to="" answer="" to=" " tisti="" neetični="" oglasi.="" upam="" you="" will="" look="" into="" this="" resno.="" hvala="" you=" " this="" game="" too="" nice="" i="" love="" this="" game="" here="" is="" one="" problem="" 2222 ="" level="" is="" too="" težko="" in="" ball="" is="" not="" too="" much="" so="" i=" " am="" not="" play="" this="" game="" ker="" it's="" too="" težko="" level="" i="" želim="" za ="" play="" but="" i="" am="" play="" and="" i="" am="" lost="" this="" level="" 😖😵= "" super="" barve.="" enostavno="" ciljanje.="" sproščujoče,="" zabava,="" in="" strategic="" at="" times.="" love=" " it.="" super="" game,="" over="" a="" tisoč="" levels="" i="" have="" playing.="" hope="" there= "" are="" lots="" more="" so="" far="" it="" has="" been="" the="" most="" fun="" out="" of="" the="" bubble="" pop="" games="" and="" the="" extra="" jigsaw="" puzzle="" is="" super...the="" best="" of="" oba="" svetova!="" i="" like="" this="" game="" ker="" its="" not="" zapleteno ="" and="" dovoljuje="" me="" do="" wind="" down="" from="" a="" frustrirajuće="" dan!="" hvala.="" en ="" of="" the="" best="" bubble="" games="" i="" have="" play.="" enjoy="" both="" the="" bubble= "" part="" along="" with="" get="" to="" do="" puzzles="" at="" the="" same="" time.="" fun,= "" just="" plain="" fun.="" no="" thinking="" vključeno,="" no="" stres!="" love="" it!="" uživajte="" igranje.="" not="" so="" hard="" that="" i="" get="" frustrated="" and="" give="" up.="" like="" sestavljanje="" skupaj="" the="" puzzles="" tudi.="" i="" bi="" všeč="" to="" see="" the="" uganke="" lažje ="" to="" get,="" lažje="" to="" earn="" it's="" kosov.="" outside="" of="" that,="" it's="" cool.="" prijeten="" živahne="" barve,="" zabavno="" victory="" praznovanje="" but="" take="" too="" long="" to="" get="" to="" next="" stage.="" i="" love="" 😍💓="" this="" game="" but="" when="" i="" g et="" too="" good="" 💘="" i="" get="" cut="" off="" 😜="" in="" if="" it="" zgodi se= "" again="" i="" will="" stop="" playing="" popolnoma,..="" i="" have="" gone="" back="" two="" vendar ="" no="" več..="" this="" is="" res="" a="" dobro,="" sproščujoče="" game.="" lots="" of=" " ads,="" but="" they="" don't="" last="" long.="" this="" game="" is="" worth="" it!="" 💕💕💕💕💕="" this="" is="" a="" super="" game!="" i="" uživajte="" it="" ker="" it's="" ne ="" just="" a="" bubble="" game="" but="" it="" also="" has="" a="" jigsaw="" puzzle="" enkrat=" " you="" complete="" the="" task!="" definitivno="" worth="" a="" download.="" rahlo="" zasvojen="" to="" this=" " game.="" hubby="" on="" level="" 200="" and="" i'm="" just="" hitting="" level="" 40="" 😂= "" game="" is="" so="" much="" fun="" i="" like="" the="" game="" ..but="" now="" i= "" ne morem="" play="" any="" more="" the="" puzzles="" not="" open="" up="" ohranja="" telling="" me="" i="" need="" the="" internet.="" my="" internet="" is="" on .="" so="" what's="" up="" with="" that="" easy="" play.="" take="" my="" mind="" off="" od ="" things="" for="" a="" while.="" zelo="" zasvoji.="" zelo="" zabavno.="" we="" res="" like="" ta="" igra!="" but="" sramotno="" način="" preveč="" mnogo="" oglasov:="" pred,="" med="" &="" po!= "" it's="" very="" fun="" and="" i="" enjoy="" playing="" it.="" it="" also="" helps="" me=" " with="" my="" anxiety="" when="" i="" start="" feeling="" real="" anxiety.="" this="" is="" the="" best="" bubble="" game="" i="" ever="" play="" i="" got="" a="" lot="" of="" games="" on= "" my="" tablet="" an="" dis="" is="" the="" only="" game="" i="" play="" on="" it="" no="" cap="" i="" love="" it="" lepo="" game="" to="" play.="" zelo="" barvito="" in="" super ="" graphics.="" i="" bi="" priporočam="" this="" game="" to="" vsem.="" it="" is="" a="" zelo ="" cute="" bubble="" game="" .that="" make="" you="" want="" to="" keep="" playing="" .="" .= "" i="" love="" it.="" hvala="" for="" making="" it.="" love="" this="" game!="" can="" dejansko="" win="" three="" stars="" pogosto="" dovolj="" to="" not="" get="" frustrated="" dovolj="" not="" to="" uninstall="" it!="" hvala="" odlično="" game="" love="" ="" colours="" zelo="" zasvoji="" love="" the="" mini="" games="" but="" včasih="" can="" be="" nadležno=" " and="" to="" many="" adverts="" good="" game="" two="" in="" one="" bubble="" shoot="" and="" sestavljanka .="" the="" frequency="" of="" ads="" are="" zelo="" frustrirajuće="" it's="" fun="" fun="" fun="" nothing= "" but="" fun="" that's="" super="" relaxation="" after="" work="" oh="" my="" god="" this="" bubble="" game="" will="" always="" do="" it="" i'll="" tell="" you="" people="" it="" is="" fun="" i="" res="" think="" this="" was="" like="" all="" the="" other="" bubble="" games="" but="" boy= "" was="" i="" narobe="" ...="" absolutno="" ljubezen="" to="" več="" možnost="" do="" zmagovalec="" in= "" puzzles="" to="" put="" together="" super="" game="" good="" visua l="" -motor="" skill,="" sledenje,="" &="" fun="" quick="" mobile="" this="" game="" is="" great=" " razen="" there="" is="" no="" new="" puzzles="" to="" put="" skupaj.....i'm="" on="" nivo ="" 1327....="" prosim="" prosim="" add="" more="" puzzles="" to="" put="" skupaj="" prijetno="" in=" " fast="" move.="" ads="" arent="" long.="" like="" the="" variation="" in="" game.="" have="" zabava! ="" this="" game="" is="" zelo="" enostavno="" za="" odrasle.="" it="" bi="" be="" more="" primerno= "" for="" a="" deset="" year="" old.="" not="" too="" težko="" but="" prijetno.="" its="" lepo= "" sproščujoče="" in="" super="" for="" a="" čakanje="" room="" do="" pass="" the="" time.="" loveing=" " it="" !!="" have="" a="" bubble="" game="" in="" a="" jigsaw="" puzzle="" all="" in="" one="" game="" is="" brilliant="" !!!="" super="" game.="" ads="" are="" short.="" všečkanje="" the= "" sestavljanka="" puzzle="" in="" med="" nivoji.="" i="" have="" pass="" 1115="" level="" in="" this="" game.yes="" it="" have="" add="" ampak ="" if="" you="" want="" you="" can="" cut="" the="" page="" in="" i="" like="" to=" " play="" it="" in="" my="" borring="" time.="" like="" this="" game,="" the="" graphics="" are=" " dobro="" tudi..="" super="" game="" i="" lost="" it="" on="" my="" other="" phone="" in=" " found="" it="" in="" play="" store="" birdpapa="" saga="" this="" is="" so="" much="" fun="" 2 ="" different="" games="" in="" one.="" i="" like="" puzzles="" anyways="" and="" with="" the="" bubble= "" shooting="" it's="" a="" blast="" .="" its="" fun="" i="" love="" bubble="" popping="" games="" in="" i="" love="" puzzles="" and="" the="" puzzle="" animation="" is="" clever="" too="" vedno="" a= "" presenečenje="" when="" puzzle="" is="" completed="" .="" cute="" and="" fun!="" have="" to="" watch=" " oglasi.="" not="" a="" bad="" game="" ohranja="" vaša="" pozornost="" span="" going="" by="" dovoljuje="" ti="" napredek="" v="" the=" " game.="" i="" like="" this="" game="" a="" lot="" the="" puzzles="" are="" fun="" to="" do="" then="" watch="" no="" issues="" with="" the="" game="" at="" all="" i've="" just="" preneseno="" this="" game="" today.="" it's="" a="" osveževanje="" change="" to="" most="" bubble="" games="" ker ="" it="" isn't="" just="" a="" copy="" cat="" of="" another="" game="" .="" i="" ljubezen ="" this="" game.="" i've="" downloaded="" many="" other="" games="" podobno="" to="" this="" one="" but="" this="" is="" the="" best="" one="" i've="" play.="" i'm="" already="" in="" the ="" 700's.="" so="" super="" job.="" 💯="" this="" is="" a="" super="" game.="" i="" use="" to="" play="" it="" before.="" so="" glad="" i="" found="" it="" again.="" hope="" u="" make="" more="" games="" like="" this.="" hvala="" u.="" super="" game="" wish="" there="" ni bil="" so="" many="" adverts="" and="" had="" the="" option="" to="" buy="" game="" to="" remove="" the="" adverts="" res="" fun="" i'm="" hooke d!!"="" odlično="" ravnotežje="" med="" popping="" in="" delati="" uganke!="" zelo="" dobro="" za="" stres= "" relief.="" different="" to="" običajno="" bubble="" shooter="" games.="" love="" the="" game.="" in="" pozneje ="" stage,="" the="" game="" ni mogel="" biti="" končan.="" prijazno="" preveri.="" hvala="" ti.="" zelo ="" super="" game.="" i="" realy="" have="" fun="" playing.="" ads="" ok="" .="" super="" ampak ="" when="" will="" it="" change="" into="" some="" of="" the="" other="" things="" i="" saw=" " in="" ad="" this="" game="" is="" very="" lepo="" but="" it="" want="" to="" build="" neomejeno ="" ravni="" tudi="" i="" am="" first="" scene="" is="" zelo="" zelo="" enostavno="" iskanje="" do=" " search="" tool="" is="" very="" very="" zaseden="" to="" search="" in="" website="" i="" like="" igranje ="" all="" panda="" bears="" ker="" oni so="" fun="" like="" this="" one="" is="" ample="" to je ="" call="" bird="" papa="" bubble="" it="" is="" fun="" i="" nikoli="" poskusil="" it="" before=" "moj= "" mother="" got="" me="" start="" on="" panda="" ker="" she="" play="" it="" many="" times="" the="" first="" one="" i="" start="" was="" very="" hard="" complication="" but="" some="" of="" them= "" i="" poskusil="" to="" find="" enostavno="" for="" me="" to="" learn="" in="" nato="" bom= "" go="" for="" the="" big="" ones="" the="" hard="" ones="" in="" there="" there="" are="" res="" super="" to="" learn="" even="" little="" kids="" they="" bi="" ljubezen="" doing="" different="" games= "" in="" finding="" different="" games="" for="" them="" to="" play="" uživanje="" this="" game="" more="" potem="" poljubno="" of="" the="" other="" podobno="" games="" i="" have="" seen="" ponujeno.="" upam="" to ="" stays="" as="" much="" fun="" as="" it="" is="" today="" wayne="" werff="" hebron="" kentucky.. ="" zdaj="" have="" the="" game="" loaded="" on="" my="" tablet="" in="" already="" had="" it=" " on="" my="" phone.="" that="" way="" when="" we="" are="" out="" and="" sedi="" around="" i=" " can="" chat="" with="" my="" wife="" and="" play="" the="" game="" if="" she="" gets="" on ="" her="" phone="" to="" talk="" or="" play="" one="" of="" her="" card="" games="" still=" " res="" uživam="" this="" games="" so="" upah="" it="" will="" stay="" like="" this="" to="" uživajte ="" playing="" it="" for="" a="" long=""></hi8lp99pp bom lo str 8
lepa igra za igranje. zelo barvita in odlična grafika. to igro bi priporočal vsem.